-Via AAHomcare, WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 6, 2017)—AAHomecare members are taking advantage of the Retail Work Group to learn new and innovative ways to infuse cash sales into their mix and diversify beyond an insurance-based model.

Each month, the Work Group meets via conference call to tackle prevailing themes of success for retail efforts, including topics such as marketing, staff training, showroom layouts and merchandising, e-commerce and more. Special guests are invited to each call to serve as facilitators and share expertise while fostering a dialogue among participants to uncover opportunities and troubleshoot issues that suppliers face in a retail environment.  Any AAHomecare member is welcome to join the Retail Work Group.

In addition to the monthly calls, AAHomecare will be hosting a retail webinar series that kicks off on July 25th. The first webinar, titled “Selling at Retail: Legal Guidelines to Follow,” will address legal aspects of selling retail and will be led by leading HME expert, Jeffrey Baird of Brown & Fortunato. Information and registration info can be found here. Please note: this webinar is free for AAHomecare members, and $49.00 for non-members. Registration is limited to 100 attendees; please only one registrant per company location.

Medtrade attendees are encouraged to attend the informative panel discussion “Aggressively Moving into the Retail Market” where AAHomecare president/CEO Tom Ryan will facilitate a lively discussion among various executive leader panelists from across the industry spectrum, all who see the value of and have worked toward advancing their retail divisions amidst the rapidly changing HME landscape. Session information may be found here; registration for Medtrade is available here. 

To learn more about how you can get involved in AAHomecare retail efforts or to join the Retail Work Group, contact Ashley Plauché, AAHomecare’s Manager of Government Affairs, at ashleyp@aahomecare.org.

Visit aahomecare.org for more information.